A downloadable game

Published 24 days ago
StatusIn development
TagsClicker, No AI


CLI-Miner-x86_64.zip 96 MB

Install instructions

To play this game download the .zip file and unpack it. Right now in its unfinished state it requires to be built manually using rustup in a terminal. 

To install Rust go to https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install and follow the instructions for your operating system

After installing Rust, navigate to the CLI-Miner-x86_64 folder and run the following commands:


  • rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • cargo add target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • cargo build


  • rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  • cargo add target x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
  • cargo build

In both cases the binary (.exe on Windows) will be in the directory CLI-Miner-x86_64/target/<target you built for>/debug. Create another folder called "bin" in CLI-Miner-x86_64/src and put the binary in there. Now you just have to run it to start the game